Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Sick :(

So I have been sick for over a week now and it is a huge bummer. I even had to miss my nephew's first birthday over the weekend because of it. I hate being sick. Anyways, I got tagged by Misty so here are my three's...

3 names that I go by:

1. Care
2. Care Bear
3. Boo

3 Favorite things to do:

1. Surf
2. Go to movies
3. Travel!!
3 pets that i have had

1. Bandido is my dog right now, he lives at my parents house
2. Marconi (American Rat Terrier)
3. Frank (Wiener dog, pretty fitting name right?!)

3 longest plane/car rides

1. Uruguay
2. London
3. I've driven across the US
3 Favorite Holidays

1. Christmas
2. Halloween
3. Fourth of July

3 Favorite Drinks

1. Diet Pepsi
2. Pineapple juice
3. Horchata

3 peeps I tag

1. Brooke
2. Megan
3. Cara


Unknown said...

That's your parents' dog, but nice try.

Miss Stace said...

Sorry you are sick!! No fun!! Feel better soon.