Tuesday, May 27, 2008

3 day bliss!

I actually had three days off over a weekend and they conincided with Ken's days off for Memorial Day weekend, so needless to say we were pretty stoked!! We decided that we wanted to do something really fun and special since my schedule has been pretty crazy lately and we only get to see each other a couple days a week right now. Since we are on a tight budget getting ready for our future life we opted to finally use some of the free passes that I get as a benefit of working at SeaWorld. I have to say that even though I am super tired today being back at work, we had an awesome three days!!!!! Friday night we went over to Jen and Garret's and had an amazing meal with friends, it was relaxing and nice after a long week and a perfect start into our long weekend together. On Saturday we went to the San Diego Zoo with Jen and Garret and Steffen, a PhD student visiting Ken's lab from Germany for 6 weeks. We went to lunch at Albert's in the tree house and ran into Rachel, Jake, Linda and Ryan. We ran into them at the great apes where we also saw a big ape eating poo, yep, poo. It was so gross but the picture is funny! We had a ton of fun and stayed until it closed. Then we went to Balboa Park and went to the Reuben H. Fleet museum and explored all of their exhibits, playing with each scientific invention. I felt like I was on a school field trip again, it was a ton of fun. We concluded the day by seeing the Mummies movie at the IMAX, it was a long, but super fun day! The next day we hung out with Karrie, Katie and a bunch of other friends. It was fun talking and laughing and just relaxing. On our last day we went to Ken's moms' for a BBQ and it was super yummy! We had fun catching up with Barbara, Cindy and Eddie. From there we went to my parents house to say hi and were pretty exhausted by the time we ended up at my place. It was a busy weekend, but so much fun. I wish we had more time off together like that!!!!! I have some of the pictures, but will have to add more later.


mistyb said...

how nice! I love when we get a whole day together let alone 3! Glad it worked out that way for you guys! Looks like tons of fun!

Scott and Candice Moore said...

Hey Cari
It was great to see you again this weekend. Sorry I wasn't around Monday. Dang Flu or something? Anyways here is my blog.
Candice Moore

CPA said...

cute pics! Kolton loved the thomas text you sent! Thanks