Saturday, May 10, 2008

Fun Times Registering

Ken has been so helpful with all of the wedding planning and I am really grateful for that. He even went with me one day to register even though he is so not a fan of shopping. After about 2 hours we decided that registering is more my thing. The home decor is a reflection of the woman's taste as Ken told me so I have taken on that part alone, well not really alone because I have been doing it with friends and having tons of fun. Here's a picture after Melody and I after we registered at Crate & Barrel, I am pretty clueless in the kitchen and Mel is right there with me so we got a big laugh out of scanning things that I didn't even know existed before. Mel thought it was hilarious that I scanned an ice scoop, but hey, ice is cold. Brooke and I went another day and will be going again next week. I discovered registering is super fun, even trying to explain all the fun things I put on our list to Ken. It makes me really excited to set up a home and to even start cooking, gotta use out of all those fun gadgets!

1 comment:

mistyb said...

ryan thought it was fun for about 5 minutes using the little scanning gun! definitely ended up being my job