Monday, June 16, 2008


After the mud run I was expecting a long nap and some relaxation, but that is not at all what happened. Ken and our friends Garret and Jen all wanted to go down to Mexico for lunch. After a long shower they convinced me it was a good idea and I am so glad they did! We went to Tijuana and ate at Cantina de los Remedios, it was the greatest food ever!! Then after talking around and finding the cheapest way to do it; we went down to Rosarito and set off fireworks, relaxed on the beach and just totally enjoyed ourselves. Jen and Garret got married at The Rosarito Beach Hotel 2 years ago, so it was really fun to go there and see everything and for them to have a mini anniversary back there. It was such a fun, spontaneous trip and of course I loved being able to speak Spanish to everyone, it made me realize how much I miss it!

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