Thursday, March 6, 2008

Doggy Dress-up

I am not a huge fan of animals wearing clothes, but when Mel came home with matching pink polo shirts for our dogs I couldn't resist. We tortured them into a mini photo shoot and laughed till it hurt. By the end we were all ready to put on pink shirts and take a family photo. Ken came over during our puppy torture session and resuced them by taking them on a walk. To me that was even funnier, walking two dogs wearing pink polos. He already felt stupid enough so he made me walk Bandido, it was already too much walking dogs in clothes, so walking the 4 pound one instead of the 70 pound one was going overboard. It was a pretty funny night. I have spared Bandido as much as I can from further torture, unfortunately my mom likes to play doggy dress-up so he has quite the little wardrobe. Hailey and Bandido get along for the most part, they just kind of ignore each other, every once in awhile I've caught Bandido snuggled up into Haliey resting on her arms and it's pretty dang cute!


Unknown said...

Putting clothing on dogs is wrong for many reasons.
Those pictures are pretty funny, though. Bandido seems a little too comfortable in pink.

Mike and Melanie said...

That is just funny! Poor dogs... Looks like a fun night though... Poor dogs...

mistyb said...

that's pretty funny!