Friday, November 7, 2008

Happy Birthday Dylie Bean!!!!!!!

Dylen turned 3 on September 30 and I was lucky enough to be able to go fly up and spend some days with their family. Misty and I went shopping for Dylen's Flower Girl dress and Max's Ring Bearer tux and we found them the cutest outfits ever!!!!!! It was a blast! Misty had planned a mermaid themed party for Dylen, so I helped her with all of the day of stuff like making cupcakes and decorating. It was so much fun, especially since Dylen is now old enough where she also wanted to help and be involved. I love the rare moments that I get to be apart of their daily lives. We opened all of the gifts that we had gotten her at home before the party and I was super happy the the princess shoes and accessories that Ken and I got her were a big hit. Misty and I even got to wear them and be princesses for a couple of minutes, at least until Bean realized she liked the ones we had on better. It was pretty fun! I can't believe how big Max has gotten and how many words he is saying! It is funny to decipher some of them, but when he says please and thank you my heart melts. I definitely have the cutest niece and nephew ever and had such a great time while in Modesto!!! Happy Birthday Bean, I love you!!!!!!

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